Crowcon - Rilevare il gas per salvare delle vite

Sicurezza della batteria

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Sicurezza delle batterie - Una fonte di energia in crescita con rischi speciali

Battery safety is paramount as we embrace cleaner energy solutions. With the rise of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, ensuring safe battery production, distribution, and usage is crucial. With over 50 years’ experience in gas detection, Crowcon has thorough knowledge of the hazards surrounding battery energy storage systems (BESS), making us the ideal partner for holistic battery safety.

La crescita esplosiva della fuga termica e come prevenirla

Con il crescente ruolo delle batterie agli ioni di litio nella sostenibilità, le misure di sicurezza proattive sono essenziali. Leggete le sfide della sicurezza e come Crowcon può aiutare i BESS a prevenire la fuga termica nell'eBook "The Battery Boom". Scoprite le strategie per rafforzare il vostro protocollo di sicurezza, comprendere le dinamiche di off-gassing e dare priorità al rilevamento dei gas.

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Rischi per la sicurezza delle batterie agli ioni di litio

With the widespread use of lithium-ion batteries and increased production demands, understanding their volatile and combustible nature is crucial. So, what are the risks?


Le batterie agli ioni di litio possono incendiarsi a causa del thermal runaway, una reazione a catena in cui la batteria si surriscalda, portando alla decomposizione dell'elettrolita e alla generazione di gas. Questo può incendiare l'elettrolita infiammabile, causando incendi intensi che sono difficili da estinguere e possono diffondersi rapidamente, con notevoli rischi per la sicurezza.


In extreme cases, thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries can lead to violent explosions. The rapid buildup of pressure from gas generation within the battery can rupture its enclosure, resulting in an explosion with the potential to cause severe injuries and property damage.

Gas Leaks

Thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries can release hazardous gases such as hydrogen fluoride (HF) and other flammable compounds. These gases can escape from the battery, posing risks of chemical exposure to nearby individuals and environments, with potential long-term health effects.

Carenza di ossigeno

During thermal runaway, lithium-ion batteries can consume oxygen from their surroundings, leading to oxygen deficiency in enclosed spaces. Therefore closely monitoring oxygen levels plays a crucial role in personnel safety during clean-up operations.

Early detection, preventative protection

The early detection of off-gases is pivotal to containing thermal runaway. Investing in protection and detection is a minor expenditure when compared to the costs of a thermal runaway fire or explosion, which can potentially result in almost immeasurable loss. Put simply, can you afford to do nothing?

La soluzione di Crowcon consente agli utenti di rilevare precocemente la fuoriuscita di gas, offrendo un vantaggio fondamentale, in quanto li avvisa prima che una batteria raggiunga il pericoloso precipizio del thermal runaway.

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Sicurezza delle batterie: Soluzioni per il rilevamento e la protezione

Rilevare i problemi delle batterie agli ioni di litio al primo segnale di guasto possibile per ridurre al minimo i rischi e mantenere il controllo.

Xgard Bright
With it's capability to detect EMCs and DMCs, Xgard Bright with MPS provides early detection of off-gassing to give you the best possible chance of containing thermal runaway.
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Our new and improved portable multi gas monitor you can take almost anywhere. Now with MPS technology to ensure your workers are kept safe from the various gas hazards present in battery storage facilities.
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A compact and lightweight package designed for use in the toughest environments, now complete with MPS sensor to protect you from a wide variety of flammable gases which are present in battery storage applications.
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