The Importance of Portable Detectors in Battery Energy Storage

Within battery energy storage, ensuring the safety of workers from the risks of battery fires and hazardous gases remains vital. The absence of early detection can expose personnel to unforeseen dangers, potentially resulting in catastrophic consequences. By investing in advanced gas detection technologies, you will be safeguarding your assets. 

Without the ability to detect gases early on, workers may unknowingly enter unsafe environments increasing the likelihood of severe injuries or fatalities. Overall, the absence of early gas detection significantly heightens the potential for catastrophic outcomes in battery energy storage incidents, underscoring the critical importance of investing in reliable gas detection technologies like the T4x to safeguard personnel and assets alike. 

T4x: The Optimal Solution for Personal Safety 

Within these challenges, the importance of portable detectors in ensuring personal safety cannot be overstated. T4x is the best solution for detecting hazardous and monitoring residual gases to workers in battery energy storage. Equipped with advanced sensor technology and intuitive user interface, the T4x offers real-time monitoring of gas concentrations, allowing workers to promptly respond to changing conditions and mitigate risks effectively. 

Moreover, the T4x is designed with the specific needs of battery energy storage in mind, featuring rugged construction, long battery life, and intrinsically safe design to withstand the rigours of hazardous environments. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry and deploy in the field, ensuring that workers have access to reliable gas detection wherever they go.  

Personal protection is crucial for providing safety in battery energy storage. Portable detectors, such as the T4x, play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and safety of workers by detecting hazardous gases and providing early warning of potential dangers. By investing in advanced detection technology and prioritising worker safety, organisations can mitigate risks and ensure a safe battery energy storage environment. 

Want to know more about how Crowcon can help provide personal protection in battery energy storage? Visit our website or click here to get in touch for an obligation-free chat with a member of our team.  

The Importance of Early Gas Detection in Battery Storage

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the rise of lithium-ion batteries has revolutionised the energy landscape. These compact powerhouses have helped shift our society away from complete fossil fuel dependence, powering the rise of electric vehicles and enabling us to store renewable energy on a previously impossible scale. However, lithium-ion batteries are not an entirely risk-free energy source and can be volatile, which is a cause for concern for battery energy storage systems (BESS) who need to safeguard people – and their assets – from danger.

The Explosive Rise of Batteries

With the rise in lithium-ion batteries, has come a rise in high-profile cases of thermal runaway causing extraordinary damage through explosive fires, causing untold harm to the local environment, as well as eye-watering repair costs. Indeed, the widely-known risks of toxic thermal runaway has caused some pushback against the establishing of BESS sites, making it of paramount importance that battery energy supply can be made demonstrably safer.

Thermal runaway, characterised by uncontrolled heat generation and rapid battery failure, can lead to catastrophic consequences such as fires and explosions. What’s more, as heat can trigger thermal runaway in other batteries, the failure of one can lead to the failure of many, compounding the potential damage cost. While BESS insurers are well aware of such a risk, and have stipulations in place regarding fire, once fire has broken out the damage is already done. Prevention is always better than the cure, and so as suppliers and stakeholders in the lithium-ion battery industry, it’s imperative we address these risks head-on and prioritise safety measures to protect both assets and lives.

The Need for Early Gas Detection

Fortunately, FM Global and UL, two of the world’s largest public safety testing labs, have recognised the importance of gas detection in mitigating the risks associated with lithium-ion battery storage. Their documentation and standards serve as a testament to the critical role that early gas detection plays in ensuring the safety and reliability of energy storage systems. By adhering to these guidelines and implementing comprehensive gas detection strategies, suppliers can bolster their safety protocols and instil confidence in their products.

One of the key indicators of an impending thermal runaway event is the off-gassing from the compounds within the battery. As the internal components degrade or are subjected to extreme conditions, gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen may be released, as well as other flammable gases ethylene and propylene. Detecting these gases early is critical, as it provides an opportunity to intervene before the situation escalates further, averting potential disasters. However, ensuring your gas detection system is able to recognise the wide variety of toxic and combustible gases accurately without getting poisoned is crucial. If it’s not accurate, it’s simply not effective and you’re putting your people and property at risk.

Cutting-Edge Gas Detection

While the importance of fire safety and suppression systems in mitigating the risks of lithium-ion battery fires is well-documented, the significance of gas detection systems is often overlooked. Unlike fires, which are often visible and generate smoke, gas emissions can go unnoticed until it’s too late. This gap in awareness underscores the need for robust gas detection solutions to complement existing safety protocols.

Crowcon’s patented MPS™ technology, specifically designed to fill the void left by other gas sensors, offers a reliable and effective solution for detecting gas emissions at the earliest stages of battery failure. The MPS sensor uses advanced micro-pellistor technology to detect a wide range of gases with unparalleled sensitivity and accuracy, able to detect gases at extremely low concentrations, allowing for early intervention and prevention of thermal runaway events. Furthermore, its compact design and ease of integration make it an ideal choice for both new installations and retrofitting existing systems. With Crowcon’s MPS sensor, suppliers can proactively monitor gas emissions and take prompt action to mitigate risks, ensuring the safety and integrity of their lithium-ion battery storage solutions.

Safeguarding a Battery-Powered Future

The importance of early gas detection in battery storage cannot be overstated. Not only can the cost of failing to detect the early warning signs be devastating to your business, but as suppliers and stakeholders in the energy industry, it is our collective responsibility to prioritise safety and implement robust measures to mitigate risks. The only way to do this is through an innovative and rigorous approach to gas detection. By investing in advanced gas detection technologies, you will not only be safeguarding your assets, but the very future of energy storage, helping pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.

Contact the Crowcon team today to learn more about how their innovative solutions can enhance the safety and reliability of your battery storage systems. Together, let’s build a brighter and safer battery-powered future.

Battery Safety: What is Off-Gassing and Why Does it Occur​?

Batteries have become an integral part of our daily lives, powering everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. But have you ever considered the potential risks associated with the batteries that enable the seamless functioning of these devices? While advancements in battery technology have revolutionised the way we live, it’s crucial to explore the potential hazards these power sources pose.

Lithium-ion batteries are combustible and hazardous, with the potential of dangerous and explosive thermal runaway – which can not only have devastating consequences for the environment and property but can threaten human life. Therefore, it is important to understand the first signs of a possible disaster – off-gassing.

Understand Off-gassing: The Silent Emission

Off-gassing refers to the release of gases from lithium-ion batteries often as a result of abuse or misuse. When a battery is subjected to conditions such as overcharging, over-discharging, or physical damage, it can lead to the breakdown of internal components, causing the release of gases. These gases typically include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other volatile organic compounds – which can be toxic for anyone who may come in contact with them.

Explaining Off-gassing Dynamics:

Off-gassing dynamics differ based on battery setups. In enclosed setups like racks or small housings, off-gassing can accumulate within the confined space, increasing the risk of pressure buildup and ignition. In open setups, such as outdoor installations, off-gassing may dissipate more easily, but still poses risks in poorly ventilated areas.

How Off-gassing Occurs and the Timeline:

Although not always a guaranteed precursor to thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries, off-gassing events typically occur early in their failure. Thermal runaway occurs when a battery undergoes uncontrolled heating, leading to a rapid increase in temperature and pressure within the cell. This escalation can ultimately result in the battery catching fire or exploding, posing significant safety hazards.

The timeline for off-gassing can vary depending on the severity of the abuse and the type of battery. In some cases, off-gassing may occur gradually over time as the battery undergoes repeated stress, while in other instances, it may occur suddenly due to a single event, such as overcharging.

Factors in which Off-gassing can occur:

  • Physical Damage: Any damage to the battery, such as punctures or crushing, can cause internal components to degrade, leading to off-gassing.
  • Overcharging: Excessive charging can cause the decomposition of electrolytes within the battery, leading to gas generation.
  • Overheating: Like off-gassing, excessive heat can trigger thermal runaway by destabilising the battery’s internal chemistry.
  • Over-discharging: Discharging a battery beyond its recommended limit can also result in the release of gases.
  • Internal Short Circuits: Any malfunction that causes a short circuit within the battery can initiate thermal runaway.
  • Manufacturing Defects: Faulty manufacturing processes can introduce weaknesses in the battery structure, making it more susceptible to thermal runaway.

What are the dangers of Off-gassing buildup?

Off-gassing buildup can lead to the battery storage container turning into a pressure vessel that is just waiting for a spark to ignite. To mitigate this risk, it’s crucial to have a monitored ventilation system in place. Additionally, compliance with FM standards is essential, as BESS should maintain lower than 25% LFL or have a container that can open to vent gas, ensuring safety in case of off-gassing.

Why Early Detection of Off-gassing is Critical:

Early detection plays a critical role in preventing catastrophic battery incidents. By identifying signs of off-gassing at the onset, operators can intervene before the situation escalates into thermal runaway. Here’s why early detection is crucial:

  1. Preventative Maintenance: Early detection allows for timely maintenance and corrective action to address battery issues before they worsen. Routine monitoring of off-gassing can help identify underlying problems in battery systems, such as overcharging or internal damage, enabling proactive maintenance to mitigate risks.
  2. Risk Mitigation: Off-gassing serves as an early warning sign of potential battery failures. By monitoring off-gassing levels, operators can implement risk mitigation measures, such as adjusting charging parameters or isolating malfunctioning batteries, to prevent thermal runaway and its associated hazards.
  3. Enhanced Safety: Timely detection of off-gassing enhances safety for both personnel and property. It provides an opportunity to evacuate affected areas, implement emergency protocols, and minimise the impact of battery-related incidents on surrounding environments. Additionally, early intervention reduces the likelihood of injuries and property damage resulting from thermal runaway events.
  4. Cost Savings: Detecting off-gassing early can help avoid costly repairs or replacements of damaged batteries and equipment. By addressing issues proactively, operators can extend the lifespan of batteries, optimise performance, and avoid unplanned downtime, resulting in significant cost savings over time.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Many regulatory standards and guidelines mandate the monitoring of off-gassing as part of battery safety protocols. Early detection ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and demonstrates a commitment to maintaining safe battery operations in accordance with industry standards.

Incorporating robust gas detection systems and technologies for early detection of off-gassing is essential for proactive risk management and maintaining the integrity of battery systems. By prioritising early detection, stakeholders can safeguard against potential hazards, minimise disruptions, and promote the safe and sustainable use of battery technology across various applications.

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Para mais informações sobre a segurança das baterias, descarregue o nosso livro eletrónico 'The Battery Boom: The Explosive Rise of Thermal Runaway and how you can prevent it'.

Obtenha a sua cópia GRATUITA do livro eletrónico "The Battery Boom

Um futuro alimentado por baterias: A ascensão das baterias de iões de lítio e o que isso significa para os esforços de sustentabilidade

À medida que avançamos coletivamente para um futuro mais ecológico, em que a mudança para soluções energéticas sustentáveis se tornou uma questão sociopolítica global fulcral, as baterias de iões de lítio passaram a estar no centro das atenções como uma possível solução. Graças à sua capacidade de armazenar grandes quantidades de energia numa forma comparativamente leve e compacta, revolucionaram tudo, desde os aparelhos de consumo até aos veículos eléctricos. Mas até que ponto é que um futuro alimentado por baterias é verdadeiramente a solução energética perfeita que temos procurado?

Facilitar oportunidades de energia mais ecológica

O aumento das baterias de iões de lítio traz consigo uma série de vantagens à medida que nos afastamos da dependência dos combustíveis fósseis, contribuindo para reduções significativas das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa e da poluição atmosférica. Particularmente em relação à eletrificação dos transportes através de veículos eléctricos (VEs). Ao alimentar os VE com eletricidade limpa armazenada em baterias, o sector dos transportes pode reduzir a sua dependência dos combustíveis fósseis e diminuir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa e de poluentes. À medida que o sector dos VE se torna mais competitivo, e com muitos governos a incentivarem o aumento dos VE, os avanços na tecnologia das baterias continuam a melhorar a autonomia, a velocidade de carregamento e a acessibilidade dos VE, acelerando a sua adoção e reduzindo ainda mais a dependência dos veículos com motor de combustão interna.

As baterias de iões de lítio também desempenham um papel cada vez mais crucial na estabilização das redes de energia, permitindo a integração de fontes de energia renováveis intermitentes, como a energia solar e eólica, na rede eléctrica. O sol nem sempre brilha e nem sempre há vento - mas ao armazenar o excesso de energia gerada durante os períodos de alta produção e ao descarregá-la quando necessário, as baterias facilitam um fornecimento fiável de energia limpa de uma forma fiável e estável, o que anteriormente era difícil de conseguir. Ao otimizar a gestão da energia e reduzir as perdas associadas aos sistemas energéticos tradicionais, as baterias contribuem para uma utilização mais eficiente e sustentável da energia em vários sectores.

Até que ponto as baterias de iões de lítio são ecológicas?

No entanto, o aumento da prevalência das baterias trouxe consigo o seu próprio conjunto de implicações ambientais. A extração e o processamento de metais de terras raras, como o lítio e o cobalto, são frequentemente realizados em condições de exploração nas regiões mineiras, e o processo de extração pode também ter impactos ambientais significativos, incluindo a destruição de habitats e a poluição da água. Além disso, a eliminação das baterias de iões de lítio no final do seu ciclo de vida também suscita preocupações quanto à reciclagem e à possibilidade de fuga de resíduos perigosos para o ambiente.

No entanto, há outra área de preocupação com as baterias de iões de lítio que, com a sua utilização crescente, levou a um aumento de incidentes perigosos: a sua natureza volátil e combustível. Qualquer pessoa que tenha assistido à fuga térmica das baterias de iões de lítio não pode deixar de reconhecer o risco associado à sua utilização crescente. Mesmo a falha de um dispositivo eletrónico de consumo de iões de lítio de pequena escala pode causar explosões e incêndios mortais e devastadores, o que faz com que o armazenamento e a utilização de baterias em maior escala necessitem de medidas de segurança robustas.

Gestão de riscos com baterias de iões de lítio

Felizmente, existem formas de mitigar o risco associado às baterias de iões de lítio. Normalmente, os sistemas de gestão de baterias (BMS) são utilizados para monitorizar o nível de carga, a tensão, a corrente e a temperatura da bateria - o que pode ajudar a identificar problemas com quaisquer baterias. No entanto, existe uma forma mais eficiente e fiável de detetar a fuga térmica: a deteção de gás.

Antes da fuga térmica, as baterias passam por um processo de "libertação de gases", no qual são libertadas quantidades crescentes de COV tóxicos. Ao monitorizar os gases à volta das baterias, é possível identificar sinais de stress ou danos antes do início da fuga térmica.

Atualmente, muitas seguradoras centram-se no risco de incêndio, encorajando os Sistemas de Armazenamento de Energia de Baterias (BESS) a terem processos implementados para garantir que os incêndios possam ser controlados e geridos da forma mais rápida e eficaz possível. No entanto, como as baterias de iões de lítio são altamente sensíveis à temperatura, uma vez iniciado um incêndio numa bateria, é provável que quaisquer outras baterias nas proximidades também sofram danos irreversíveis - ou comecem elas próprias a entrar em fuga térmica. A solução é simples: identificar os problemas o mais cedo possível através da deteção de gás e garantir que os incêndios não se iniciem, para uma proteção mais robusta contra desastres.

A segurança não tem preço

O custo associado ao investimento em deteção de gás sofisticada é insignificante em contraste com o custo do incêndio - cerca de 0,01% do custo de um novo projeto - tornando-o uma escolha óbvia para aqueles que procuram mitigar o risco com o fabrico, armazenamento e utilização de baterias de iões de lítio. Os danos à propriedade, o custo para a saúde humana (e até mesmo a vida), juntamente com os danos causados ao ambiente natural com potenciais problemas de contaminação após a falha da bateria são todos extensos e significativos. Combinado com a ameaça à manutenção de um negócio, para além do controlo de danos necessário, a necessidade de evitar operações de limpeza complicadas e dispendiosas é fundamental. Isto é algo que a equipa da Crowcon compreende melhor do que ninguém.

A Crowcon trabalhará em estreita colaboração consigo para garantir que a sua empresa e o seu pessoal estão tão seguros e protegidos quanto possível através de tecnologia de ponta de deteção de gases, como o sensor MPS™. Nossa tecnologia Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) detecta com precisão mais de 15 gases perigosos em um, permitindo um padrão mais alto de deteção de gás inflamável e maior confiança na segurança da sua bateria.

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Embora a realização de todo o potencial da tecnologia de iões de lítio ainda exija a resolução dos desafios ambientais e sociais associados à sua produção, manutenção e eliminação, a crescente prevalência das baterias de iões de lítio representa um passo significativo para um futuro energético mais sustentável e mais limpo. A inovação na manutenção e no aumento da eficiência das tecnologias de energias renováveis, como as baterias recarregáveis, é um passo crucial para libertar a sociedade da dependência dos combustíveis fósseis. Desde a alimentação dos nossos dispositivos diários até à transição para os transportes eléctricos e as energias renováveis, as baterias de iões de lítio estão na vanguarda da revolução da sustentabilidade - e a equipa da Crowcon está disponível para ajudar a criar um futuro mais verde e seguro para as gerações vindouras.

Para mais informações sobre a segurança das baterias, descarregue o nosso livro eletrónico 'The Battery Boom: The Explosive Rise of Thermal Runaway and how you can prevent it'.

Obtenha a sua cópia GRATUITA do livro eletrónico "The Battery Boom

Quer saber mais sobre como a Crowcon pode ajudar a salvaguardar o futuro da sua empresa com sistemas de deteção de gás de primeira linha? Clique aqui para entrar em contacto com um membro da nossa equipa para uma conversa sem compromisso.